
发布时间:2013-05-24 浏览次数:152

        题 目:Force fields and Simulation Methods in Predictions of Adsorption

        报告人:孙淮 教授


        地 点:材料楼210报告厅




        从事理论计算方法及其在化工和材料领域里的应用研究。曾主持开发在材料科学分子模拟中得到广泛应用的COMPASS力场。近年来主持承担了多项国家自然科学基金项目和国家重点基础研究计划(973)课题,以分子力学力场方法为核心,探索多层次理论计算方法在新能源、化工材料里的发展和应用。目前,正在从事的研究工作主要集中在:经典力场方法,粗粒化力场方法和反应力场方法;高效小概率事件模拟方法;自由能计算; 预测相平衡和吸附平衡; 模拟表面活性剂溶液的结构和预测物理性质。



        In this talk, we present our works on first-principle predictions of adsorption isotherms. We demonstrate that both force field accuracy and simulation method contribute to the quality of prediction. The subjectsare 1)hydrogen storage on MOFs, 2) CO2 adsorption on ZIFs, 3) cation (Na+/NH4+) exchange isotherms on Y-type faujasitezeolite, and 4) adsorption of n-perfluorohexane (n-C6F14) on BCR-704 faujasite zeolite. By developing and validating force fields independently from the predictions, we are able to evaluate and adopt proper simulation methods,and to predict the adsorptions in excellent agreement with experimental data.