题目:"Nanostructured Electrochemical Interfaces: From Li-ion Battery Anodes to Synthesis of Fuel Cell Catalyst/Support Systems"
报告人:Carlos Cabrera 美国波多黎各大学副董事长 教授
Dr. Carlos R. Cabrera obtained his B.S. in Chemistry (magna cum laude) at the University of
Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico. In 1987, Dr. Cabrera obtained his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry (Photoelectrochemistry) at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. His Advisor was Professor Héctor D. Abruña and his thesis title was “Synthesis and Photoelectrochemistry of Polycrystalline Thin Films of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides”. After spending two years as a postodoctoral fellow at University of Texas at Austin under the guidance of Dr. Allen J. Bard, Dr. Cabrera joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Peurto Rico at Río Piedras.
Currently, Dr. Cabrera is the University of Puerto Rico Associate Vice President for Technology
and Full Professor of Chemistry at the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras. Dr. Cabrera has graduated over 20 Ph.D.s and 6 M.S.s in Chemistry and Chemical Physics. Over 70 undergraduate students have worked in his laboratory and most of them have continued toward their Ph.D. in Chemistry. He is member of the American Chemical Society, Electrochemical Society, and Materials Research Society. During his career, Dr. Cabrera has been part of the organizing committee of local and international meetings.
During the last 10 years, Dr. Cabrera has been the Project Director of the Center for Advanced Nanoscale Materials (http://nanomat.uprrp.edu/). Dr. Cabrera’s research group has been able to develop collaborative efforts with NASA-Ames Research Center, NASA-Glenn Research Center, and JPL in areas related to Life Support Systems, Advanced High Energy Materials, and Carbon-Based Sensors and Biosensors. Through the years, Dr. Cabrera’s laboratory has had high school students and teachers doing research during the summers. Dr. Cabrera has also organized the Nano Summer Camp since 2004 that is sponsored by the Center for Advanced Nanoscale Materials (a NASAUniversity Research Center). Dr. Cabrera has over 160 peer reviewed papers, 8 book chapters, an Co-Editor of a book titled Advanced Nanomaterials for Aerospace Applications (to be published in 2014) and two provisional patents.
"How to Write a Good Scientific Paper" 如何写好科研论文(中文报告,面向员工)
报告人:Zhongfang Chen 美国波多黎各大学教授
Dr. Zhongfang Chen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico (UPR), Rio Piedras campus, USA. His lab is performing computations on a broad range of nanomaterials, investigating their intrinsic properties, designing new materials with desired properties, and studying their effects to environment and human health. The systems under his investigation include, but are not limited to, one-dimensional nanomaterials (nanotubes, nanocables, peapods, etc), carbon and inorganic nanographenes, nanocatalysts, novel materials for hydrogen and lithium storage, endohedral metallofullerenes and related endohedral clusters, and molecules with novel bonding patterns. Dr. Chen has delivered over 100 lectures around the world, and contributed over 180 papers, including three in Chem. Rev., and over 20 in J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. and Phys. Rev. Lett.. Ten papers of his were highlighted by professional journals (Chem. & Eng. News and/or Nachrichten aus der Chemie, Nature China, Nature Chemistry). These papers gained him over 5500 citations, and an H-index of 41.